Thursday, March 26, 2020

Online Elementary School Tutoring Jobs - Why They Are So Popular

Online Elementary School Tutoring Jobs - Why They Are So PopularThere are many online elementary school tutoring jobs that you can apply for if you are looking to improve your resume and find additional work. These are very nice to do since they are so easy to take advantage of and there are so many choices available. So what are some of the most common ones and why are they so popular?A trip to Egypt's birthday is always a fun and exciting trip. But it also has to be well organized. There are so many hotels and restaurants in Egypt, and it is a great idea to have a menu you can bring with you when you go. This can make it easier to compare prices and therefore to save money on things you don't really need or want.Vacation destinations such as Antarctica are a very common online elementary school tutoring job. The accommodation is very hard to come by, but what you do have is a place where you can sleep and do the cooking and cleaning at the same time. They also have all the activiti es you need, including snowmobiling, rock climbing, and some nice skiing! You can also enjoy the sun.You don't have to head outside the country for national parks. A visit to the Grand Canyon in Arizona, Utah or New Mexico is just as good, if not better. And the best part is that you can do so from your own home and your own computer.There are many other heart breakers to choose from, but these are some of the more popular. These online elementary school tutoring jobs are quite fun and they are a wonderful way to travel. And of course you will save money.If you know where you want to go, you can find an elementary school that will take you there. Finding the right university can be a challenge, but online elementary school tutoring jobs are great for the summer, when there are so many great options. You may not have to make a choice but many colleges offer online schools as well, so if you are willing to go to school and learn and learn some more, you can earn yourself some cash. Mo st of these schools offer scholarships to those who qualify, but you still have to apply.These are great places to get away with your children for a while, and you can do it in style and comfort. As long as you do your homework and remember to pack, you can get a great summer vacation for no money out of this type of online elementary school.

Friday, March 6, 2020

An introvert in the world of extroverts - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / An introvert in the world of extroverts - Introvert Whisperer An introvert in the world of extroverts Some people cannot live without communication and new impressions. There is no worse punishment for them than to stay on their own for long. They need constant stimulation from the outside, so they could feel energetic and cheered up. They would prefer to go to a party after a long hard working day than to stay home reading a book. They make friends easily, make decisions fast and start acting straight away. Those are typical extraverts. These days many people believe that such a behavioral pattern allows us to achieve success and recognition. Qualities of an extrovert are essential in the most different spheres, for example in business focused on teamwork or sales. Usually, communicative people are more friendly, confident and useful. Sometimes, it seems that there is just no place for introverts in a contemporary world. Does it mean that there is something wrong with calm, thoughtful, loving, being on their introverts? Moreover, do they need to break themselves down,just to stay in tune with the requirements of our crazy world? Of course not. If there were extraverts only, there would not be the law of gravitation by Isaak Newton, relativity theory by Albert Einstein, nocturnes of Frederick Chopin, «1984 » written by George Orwell, «Schindlers List » By Steven Spielberg, «Harry Potter » by Joan Rolling, «Sunflowers » by Vincent Van Gogh. We all need to get rid of biased attitude to introversion Do not confuse introversion with shyness: sometimes extraverts possess this quality too. A shy person is afraid of making a wrong impression. Introvert, though, feel tired of distractions such as noise, talks, and rush. The critical difference between introverts and extroverts is that each of them feels excited about what the other is irritated. To be happy and balanced, one requires full access to one`s thoughts, feelings, and senses.   While extravert takes energy from the world.   A person is just happy when many people are around, and things are humming. Despite all the prejudices, introverts may be no less confident, friendly, curious and successful than extroverts. They need more silence, peace, and privacy. Choose what fits you Accept yourself just the way you are. Stop worrying about something, declining a proposal for lunch in favor of a good book. If you enjoy dining in a restaurant on your own, do not be shy. Moreover, of course, there is nothing wrong about you to prefer good conversations with your best friend than noisy parties. Spend your leisure as you think best, but not as others think. Stay home for Christmas, if it brings you joy. Miss pointless meetings. Pass over the other side of a street, to skip out an idle talking to someone you know and meet by accident. For introvert just like for any other person, mutual understanding is significant, but one should seek for quality, not quantity. A small circle of friends if enough to be happy. Value your close people, take care of them. Work with those co-workers, you like and respect. Look for those you feel right about among your new acquaintances. Moreover, do not make yourself talk with the rest. Try to find a fascinating, inspiring work, where your strong points will be in handy: insistence, thoughtfulness, concentration, keenness, and sensibility. If extraverts, as a rule, are leaders in the public sphere, introverts are more often than not achieving success in theoretic and esthetical kinds of activity. It is impossible to get some good results without being on one`s own in some areas (for example, art or science). A home office is a perfect option for an introvert. If you have to work in a team, think how to cut it fine all the noise distracting you from important tasks. Perhaps, you will make it and agree with your chief about a private room or work on projects, which do not require teamwork. When you can put a mask of extravert on Genes, brain and nervous system define a significant part of our personality. Nevertheless, we can come to terms with an environment and up to a certain degree extend the boundaries of your opportunities. No introvert can become an extrovert. At that, almost everyone can keep small talks, perform in public, contact with unknown people, be calm during meetings. Some introverts manage to hide their true self for years. Of course, one should not do it. In many cases, it is better to stay within one`s comfort zone. However, sometimes circumstances make us adapt to the world of extroverts. When there are no other options, you may pretend to be more active and communicative. However, it is for some time only. You do not have to wear a mask of an extrovert to live up to someone`s expectations. However, one can put it on for some time in the name of significant personal projects, for the sake of work, which you consider truly important, let alone for people you love or everything, you highly appreciate. The main thing is to apply this method within reason and does not forget about your real needs. If you do what does not look like you, for the sake of the leading personal projects, there is no need to suppress your nature too much or too long. Not to burn out, try to create «niche for rejuvenation » in your everyday life. It may be instead, where you go, to be yourself (for example, the nearest park), or space of time (let us say, short break between business calls). Agree with extraverts Quite often when introverts get married or become friends with extroverts. It is hard to understand needs of each other in such a coalition: one out of spouse wants to party, while the other one wants to spend time together; one dreams of going out at weekends, while the other is totally fine with sitting on a cozy sofa, a favorite book and  family table games. There is no point to talk, which option is better. What fits introvert might be tiresome and boring for an extrovert. The only way of coexistence is to conduct an agreement according to which each of the spouses gets what s/he needs. For instance, you can arrange to go out half of the time, while spending at home the other half. The agreement works if you come over your best friend for a hen night, and she accepts the fact of you being not there during three days on the eve of the wedding with understanding. Discuss the rules with your close people, who tend to extraversion, to protect you and them from conflicts, and silly insults let alone  misunderstanding in the future. Agree with yourself In some cases, it is useful to agree with yourself. For example, if you live on your own, but you want to find your single one, you will have to make yourself visit public events. It makes sense to decide in advance, how often you can go out,  once a week, a month or quarter. As soon as quota is complete, you will get a right to stay home, without being stung by remorse. On the other hand, you dream of creating a company of your own and work from home. In this case, you need to spend some time on  setting business relations. Make such an agreement with yourself: once a week you will visit some event and  make one useful acquaintance. Apart from that, you can relax and live at your convenience. How to bring up an introvert-kid If your child prefers silence instead of noisy games with someone of the same age, s/he is an introvert for sure. Moreover, of course, you  need to help your kid to cope with  rumbling external world. Do not try to fill in all the free time of your kid with some make-up classes and  do not make to communicate with those, whom they do not like. S/he feels difficulties with living through a school day already. Have no objections, if your child feels like staying home or leaving a birthday party a bit earlier than the rest of kids. Explain an introvert-child why s/he feels tension hanging out together with others. Let him understand, that his worries are natural. Think about how often s/he should meet friends and what time the best is. Develop and discuss strategies, which will help to keep calm and energy during a day. Introverts always turn out to be in uncomfortable situations at school, which is why they cannot show their abilities to the extent. Be sympathetic and  begin to spend more time working at home. Alternatively, think about an opportunity to switch to homeschooling. In general introverts, there are one or two serious interests (for example, drawing, designing or story writing), which their peers do not always share. Applaud your child for what s/he does, encourage and  help to find like-minded people. Some participation in teamwork will benefit. However, this has to be a small group’s work (of 2-3 people). Make the best of your child to learn necessary communication skills, to learn to perceive new situations and new people in a calm way, but as for the rest, allow being yourself and do not try to release from introversion by any means. Be happy with his original thinking. Be proud of the strength of his conscience and loyalty for friends.   And be sincere appraising him when he achieves success in his favorite things to do. About the author: Melisa Marzett is more introvert by nature. She does like communication and exchanging experience with other people especially of different cultures, but if to ask her what she prefers, to go for a party or to spend an evening at home reading some interesting book, she would go for the latter. She works for Resume Perk Writing Service â€" Perfect Writers and writes Bottom-line â€" I want to help you accelerate your career â€" to achieve what you want by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my 4 Building Blocks to Relationships eBookâ€" the backbone to your Networking success and fantastic work relationships.  Grab yours by visiting here right now! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Spotlight on Writing Standards

Spotlight on Writing Standards Spotlight on Writing Standards To build a foundation for college and career readiness, students need to learn to use writing as a way of offering and supporting opinions, demonstrating understanding of the subjects they are studying, and conveying real and imagined experiences and events. They learn to appreciate that a key purpose of writing is to communicate clearly to an external, sometimes unfamiliar audience, and they begin to adapt the form and content of their writing to accomplish a particular task and purpose. They develop the capacity to build knowledge on a subject through research projects and to respond analytically to literary and informational sources. To meet these goals, students must devote significant time and effort to writing, producing numerous pieces over short and extended time frames throughout the year. Common Core State Standards One of the big changes that students and parents will notice with the implementation of the Common Core State Standards is an elevated focus on writing and overall literacy. To be better prepared for college and the workforce, students will be expected to develop their ideas in writing, write effectively, conduct research to gather evidence and background prior to writing, make connections between reading and writing, and more. Specifically, the standards state that students must build their writing abilities in three areas: argument/opinion writing, informative/explanatory writing, and narrative writing. Student Achievement Partners, a nonprofit organization founded by three lead writers of the Common Core State Standards, offers a variety of resources for teachers and parents to get familiar with the Common Core State Standards and understand how to put them into action. As your students work on more rigorous and in-depth writing assignments moving forward, here are a few key points to keep in mind about different types of writing, as derived from writing samples provided on Student Achievement Partners website, Argument/opinion writing Students are provided (and read) texts and a writing prompt that asks them to form an opinion or claim about a focusing question. For students in the early elementary grades, opinion writing should offer a brief introduction, state the opinion, provide one or a few reasons for the opinion expressed, and provide a simple concluding statement. As students progress through elementary school, their opinion essays should become more robust and should have an introduction, clear statement of an opinion, evidence from the text to support that opinion and explain the students thinking, several paragraphs and a conclusion. Middle school students opinion writing should introduce a claim, acknowledge competing claims and rebut them with credible evidence and reasoning, organize reasoning and evidence logically, support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence, and provide a concluding section that supports the initial argument presented. In early high school, students argument/opinion writing must introduce a precise claim with context and distinguish that claim from alternate claims, establish a formal style and objective tone, develop the claim with supporting evidence and reasoning, develop counterclaims fairly, and provide a concluding statement. Informative/explanatory writing Students are given a set of texts (or a video and a text, if younger) and a writing prompt that requests them to convey complex ideas and information. For students early in elementary school, informative/explanatory writing should introduce a topic, supply facts about it and end with a reflective concluding sentence. As students approach the later elementary school years, informative/explanatory writing should introduce a topic, provide a general observation and focus, use precise language to explain the topic, develop the topic with details, facts and examples, link ideas using words and phrases, and structure the essay to make it easy to follow. In middle school, informative/explanatory writing must introduce the topic, name the work about which the student is writing (and the synopsis of the story), offer relevant facts and details, give examples from the text, clarify the relationship among the ideas presented, give examples, establish a formal style and use precise language. In high school, students must give context to set the stage for an essay, use precise language to delve into the complexity of the topic, transition smoothly to clarify relationships among ideas and concepts, organize complex ideas and information to make connections, develop the topic with facts and details, establish a formal style and objective tone, and analyze ideas and information to make connections. Narrative writing Students write from a writing prompt and stimulating idea to develop narrative about experiences or events. In early elementary school, students must use temporal words or phrases (once, every week) to signal event order, recount sequenced events and include some details. Later in elementary school, students write narratives by first orienting the reader and introducing a narrator, using a variety of transitional words to maintain sequence, use narrative techniques to develop events and show characters response, use concrete details to convey experiences and provide a conclusion. In middle school, students engage and orient the reader by establishing context for narrative and introducing main characters, use dialogue to develop characters and events, use transitional clauses, use dialogue to develop character, use precise words and phrases and descriptive details, use description and reflection to build toward an outcome, and provide a conclusion. In high school, students build on the narrative techniques learned in middle school and also use description to develop experiences and character, build tension toward an outcome in their narratives, use sensory language and details to focus a readers attention on important parts of the story, and provide a conclusion that reflects upon the experience or observation written about. For an even deeper understanding of the type of writing that is expected of students, read In Common: Effective Writing for All Students, accessible at

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Going Back to School as an Adult - Private Tutoring

Going Back to School as an Adult BobbiM Jun 17, 2013 Tips for Returning to School as an Adult Returning to college has its challenges and perks, but attending school while juggling daily responsibilities can be frustrating. Don’t hesitate to pursue your educational dreams because of anticipated complications. Use this advice to make going back to school as an adult an easier and more rewarding experience. Select the best educational path for you One of the challenges of returning to college is to decide on the degree path most beneficial for you. Obtaining a technical degree in two years may be a good option to earn an Associate’s or certification, while a Bachelor’s degree or higher will require a commitment of four years or more. Don’t be afraid to become educated in a field that ignites your passion for learning. Consider taking a career assessment to help you determine a compatible field of study for your unique personality, skills, and interests. Fund your education It is imperative to obtain sufficient funds to pay your educational bills. Consider grants, federal and private loans, work-study, and any other financial source to help make it happen. There are tons of specialty scholarships offered by colleges for adult learners, so explore all of your options to supplement your education. Consider reputable online colleges Online colleges provide an excellent opportunity for adult learners to infuse college into their lives. You may want to explore distance education to obtain the degree of your choice in a cyber setting. This option is truly convenient for people who work and raise a family. It is important to check if an online college is accredited to ensure your degree is honored. Obtain childcare if necessary Many returning college students quit because they do not have access to reliable childcare. If you intend to go to school on campus and you have children, it is important to secure a babysitter. Your degree is important, and with it you can improve your life and provide the best for your loved ones when you graduate. Create study time You must take out adequate time to study if you wish to excel at any college or university. Be sure to visit a comfortable location to complete your study time in peace. A twenty- minute study session while focused is better than an hour of distracted study. Studying with peers who are taking the same course allows everyone to better understand difficult concepts. Use study aids Although most colleges provide a number of resources to its students, it is wise to obtain additional study aids to boost your learning power. Obtaining knowledge on course subjects through outside resources provides additional clarification while enhancing learning. Try reading study guides, software, and educational websites to obtain useful information to impress the ideas into your mind. Get a tutor It can be extremely frustrating to leap back in the educational swing after years of being out of a school setting. A personal tutor can be extremely helpful in making course concepts easier to understand. Personalized help is a major plus. Your tutor will instruct you on your time, review your work, and offer solid guidance. Stay motivated Maintaining motivation as a new student can be strenuous for anyone, but it is absolutely essential if you desire to obtain a degree. Mature students who are returning to college must develop a support system to keep them inspired and positive. It takes a continuous commitment to earn an education, but a host of family and loved ones can cheer you on along the way. Use technology to make it easier Technology has made going back to school as an adult easier than ever, so don’t hesitate to utilize it. A laptop or a tablet is an innovative addition for the modern student on the move. An mp3 player is useful for playing recorded lectures and listening to study material. Downloadable eBooks permit one to read course texts anywhere. Be sure to improve your computer skills to further enhance your ability to excel in school.. Balance your schedule to avoid overload Balancing your schedule is a vital aspect to avoid stress overload. Setting aside a few days a week for scholastic tasks will help you obtain good grades without burning out. Be sure to get enough sleep every night to reduce stress on your system. A balanced diet grants you higher energy levels and improves your ability to concentrate. Simplifying your life by organizing your schedule ensures you can earn your education while completing your daily responsibilities. Consider tuition reimbursement programs It is possible that your employer may pay for a portion, or all of your education through a tuition reimbursement program. This offer is incredibly helpful for students on a limited budget. Be sure to inquire if your employer offers this advantage to its employees. Discuss your concerns If you find that your academic troubles are mounting on top of one another, it is important to discuss them. A close friend, loved one, colleague, or teacher can offer you sound advice that helps alleviate the pressure. Your academic advisors and professors will guide you through the educational process, so aim for positive, collaborative relationships with all of them. A college education bursts open doors of opportunity for adults of all ages. Gain an edge with knowledge by returning to school and moving to the next plateau. If you are going back to school as an adult, it is important to choose the right educational route that is complimentary for achieving your career goals. By using this advice, you can better balance school with the rest of your life. Take charge today to obtain the education that transports you to a higher level.

Meet Jessica, a Kumon Reading Program Completer Who Has a Way With Words

Meet Jessica, a Kumon Reading Program Completer Who Has a Way With Words Meet Jessica, a Kumon Reading Program Completer Who Has a Way With Words Jessica seems to excel at everything she does. Shes an award-winning violinist and pianist, has won medals with her rhythmic gymnastics team, and she even completed the Kumon Reading Program by the age of 10. Jessica, who dreams of becoming an author and songwriter, also has a way with words. She speaks two languages in addition to Englishâ€"Mandarin, which she speaks at home, and French, which she learns at an immersion school. She says, Every day Kumon is just like my dessert! Challenge becomes nothing when Im trained as a master. You might also be interested in: Meet Marco, a Program Completer, Who Inspired Other Family Members to Reach their Highest Potential with Kumon Meet Joshua, a Kumon Reading Program Completer who Beat the Odds Meet Arianne, A Reading Program Completer Who Gained Confidence in her English Abilities through Kumon Meet Elina, a Dual Program Completer Who Has Developed Independence in Kumon Meet Jessica, a Kumon Reading Program Completer Who Has a Way With Words Meet Jessica, a Kumon Reading Program Completer Who Has a Way With Words Jessica seems to excel at everything she does. Shes an award-winning violinist and pianist, has won medals with her rhythmic gymnastics team, and she even completed the Kumon Reading Program by the age of 10. Jessica, who dreams of becoming an author and songwriter, also has a way with words. She speaks two languages in addition to Englishâ€"Mandarin, which she speaks at home, and French, which she learns at an immersion school. She says, Every day Kumon is just like my dessert! Challenge becomes nothing when Im trained as a master. You might also be interested in: Meet Marco, a Program Completer, Who Inspired Other Family Members to Reach their Highest Potential with Kumon Meet Joshua, a Kumon Reading Program Completer who Beat the Odds Meet Arianne, A Reading Program Completer Who Gained Confidence in her English Abilities through Kumon Meet Elina, a Dual Program Completer Who Has Developed Independence in Kumon

5 Top Maths GCSE Resources For Students

5 Top Maths GCSE Resources For Students Are you studying for your maths mocks or GCSEs? Fortunately, there are plenty of maths resources available online, that are free and easily accessible. These are a smart way to prime yourself for your exams, as they condense what you need to know and also test your knowledge. Here's a selection of our favourites. While maths resources are a brilliant way to revise, bear in mind your teacher or a maths tutor should be your first port of call. Especially if you feel confused about or unable to do something and they can also talk you through your exam technique. 1. GCSE Maths Revision Resources This site is designed to help you with your maths revision via maths revision cards, making this a fantastic resource. Each maths revision card relates directly to the types of questions asked in the GCSE maths examination. There are free download samples, or you can buy the revision pack for 1.50. All packs are divided into specific grades. 2. Project Maths Here you will find hundreds of click and show, interactive questions and Edexcel past papers. Best of all is the free videos, which show you everything for Factorising Quadratic Expressions to shape, space and measure queries. They also have 49+ interactive questionnaires to test yourself on what you've learnt and 138+ past papers and revision material to assist in your revision. 3. The Maths Teacher This maths resource is a virtual classroom with maths GCSE lessons available to you together with links to download lesson notes for revision. Lessons are divided into foundation and higher tier work and come with exam-style questions after to test your knowledge. 4. Mr Barton Maths Mr Barton Maths is a fantastic resource for maths and maths GCSE. The maths topic index page takes you to a range of sections that help you with everything from Algebra skills to Fractions and Ratio and Proportion. Find out exactly what the examiners could ask you, so you know what you need to revise via worksheets, exercises, videos, quizzes written for the new maths GCSE and have them automatically marked, and read explanations given by students all around the world until you find the one that makes sense to you. 5. BBC Bitesize Maths GCSE A great site to use as you can choose the exam specification that matches the one you study. The GCSE AQA guide, for instance, goes through all the areas you need to know, showing you key revision areas for each topic with questions and answers. Once you have revised a specific area, you can then take a test and see how you score. The answers then reveal the working out and tell you why you were right or wrong so you can learn from your answers. The best part of this site is if you sign in, it will take you right back to where you were each time you log in so you can track what you have done. Further information on maths GCSE and revision can be found at: GCSE revision sources Mock GCSEs and how to pass your Maths GCSE Contact is for a maths tutor near you.

Al Reeyada International School

Al Reeyada International School Al Reeyada International School Al-Reeyada International School offers comprehensive and challenging British Curriculum from KG 1 to Grade 12. The academic year of ARIS starts in September and ends in May consists of two terms. All students from KG 1 to Grade 12 will appear for the term exam at the end of each term. Students of Grade 10 will sit for the IGCSE Examinations held twice a year in May-June and October-November, as well as A-Level and AS exams for Grade 11 and Grade 12 students. The school follows the IGCSE syllabus in accordance with the University of Cambridge guidelines and is developed by the committees in response of international educators. ARIS is a school which follows a high level of education program in English, Math,Social Studies, ICT and Science. The curriculum of the school is designed to cater to the distinctive learning needs of students from KG 1 to Grade 12. The school is committed in shaping the life of students to become globally competitive in education.